Out of the Ord - ChilliI made this meal over a week ago and have since been umming and ahhing about the quality (or lack there of) of my photograph, I was determined to make another dish using chilli this week but time got the better of me and this was really very yummy - so I apologies the photo it is definitely not of food porn quality but it is mouth-wateringly yummy! I adapted this recipe in a book from the library called 'Chillies, Great recipe Ideas with a classic ingredient' published in 2007 by Marshall Cavendish Cuisine. I highly recommend borrowing cookbooks from the library - there is some fabulous stuff in there, the Librarian Emma keeps a great selection on the shelves and new stuff is always arriving. Take note of the tips about preparing this to suit chillies 'not too hot' fans! Ingredients:
Notes: I was cooking this meal for the family so I left the seeds of the chilli out of the pork mixture, so that our 2-year-old could eat them too (take note parents – he loved them, I did not think he would…), anyway, I would recommend if you (like me) love the chilli, include the seeds in the pork mixture – otherwise, compromise and do what I did and make a dipping sauce using the chilli seeds and a selection of Asian sauces you have in the pantry. I used a sweet soy sauce, a small amount of brown vinegar and fish sauce with the chilli seeds mixed through which I thought was delicious!
Out of the Ord - Red GrapefruitI made this meal for myself while I was bachelorette'n last night as the Hubs was out supporting the Blues in State of Origin. I know it's not a typical can't be stuffed meal that you're meant to make on such occasions but surprisingly this didn't take long at all. I even adapted it for the young'n - he ate quinoa, avo and chicken and had a freshly squeezed grapefruit juice to wash it down - yes I am aware that makes me one of those types - but I don't care, he's happy and I don't have to make two meals - moohaha!! Plus the look on his face when he squeezes the grapefruit using my super old school juicer is priceless - he claps himself after and everything.... Enjoy! Right, this is going to be a loose recipe - I'll try and write up a recipe card later, but I'm running out of time this week. So come back later if you need exacts!
Out of the Ord - EggplantHere is the last beef lasagne recipe you'll ever need, plenty of flavour, muchos protein using delicious vegetables as the 'pasta' layers. So depending on how heavy your cheese hand is this is one healthy and delicious dinner. This serving size is pretty big, it cuts out at about 8 portions, so you can freeze it or reduce the quantities as you see fit. You can swap any of the vegetables for pasta if that tickles your fancy - or only use one type if you prefer - for example there are so many eggplants in town at the moment you could use only eggplants - up to you :) I've included at the bottom of this post a series of images showing the layering, check it out. Peace Out! T-Bomb Ingredients: Meat Sauce
Out of the Ord - LemongrassEarlier this week I grilled up this chicken dish using lemongrass in the marinade. The tangy chicken is perfectly accompanied by a sweet honey dipping sauce for a mid-week winning combo! You can prepare the chicken ahead and leave to marinate in the fridge overnight - but lets be frank.... half the time I don't know what we're having for dinner until the afternoon, when I get to the shops after I've canvased the fridge for left-overs that has to be used #waronwaste. Happy Friday everyone! Ingredients:
Adapted from Rasa Malaysia who adapted from Food & Wine. Find this version online: Here at the BBQbaker.com Out of the Ord - Maize = corn chipsIf you haven't been able to tell - I love serving up share platters of food with lots of fresh ingredients that are heavy on the protein! This dish came together for lunch this week using lots of local produce left over from my produce box (thanks again Rock Solid Produce), i.e. capsicums, chilli's and corn. That's my favourite thing about buying local, it stays fresh for so long! I have been purposely vague about the quantities of meat, cheese, corn chips and extra’s required so that you can use your best judgements when deciding on how hungry everyone is. This serving pictured below fed 3 people with some to spare - the perfect meal for Friday Night Footy - whatever your code! Ingredients
Pre-prep for meat toppings:
Out of the Ord - RockmelonThis week Out of the Ord is spending some time with Rockmelon - otherwise known as Cantaloupe or....
Here is the first recipe I'll share which we ate last night along with some lamb wrapped in prosciutto, I have an ice-cream bar in the works too and will share that once it has set. Matt cooked the lamb which has some bush banana on top - we went hunting for this yesterday and there are some good images of him up a tree which i'm sure he will share on the ABC Kimberley page sooner or later. Recipe as per TASTE website, also in their 'Entertaining' cookbook.
Out of the Ord - BarramundiWhen I found out it was Barramundi week I was pretty excited - the Brann's where going fishing over Easter weekend at El Questro and I thought for sure I could post a picture of me an my giant Pentecost River Barra that I caught pre and post recipe blog....... I caught nothing..... Neither did my man-friend..... neither did our guests from Katherine and Darwin..... and Tommy (our 1.5 year old) well, he was too busy eating chocolate eggs and swimming in the lovely river at El Q township to be of any help. So with my store bought Australian Barra i'd like to share this simple Taco recipe as it is one of our favourite meals at home (we cook it every couple of weeks at the moment - it is very high on recipe rotation! But I thought I'd mix it up for the Out of the Ord community in case they wanted something fancier, so I've also included a Donna Hay recipe from one of her cookbooks 'The New Easy'. Both have their merits - Both are delicious. Simply, ours is family friendly..... and Donna's has tequila in it - great dinner party stuff, I may have enjoyed a margarita alongside my taco last night! Thanks for being my internet friend! My Simple Barramundi Soft Taco's
Donna Hay's Tequila and Lime Fish Taco's Slightly altered from her ‘The New Easy’ cookbook – great book! Ingredients:
· 1 white onion, thinly sliced · 2 cups of shredded drumhead cabbage Method:
Out of the Ord - Leafy GreensAs a lover of lettuce as the ultimate salad vessel - this week was pretty easy for me. With Chorizo sausages on special (thank-you supermarket!) and leftover pumpkin, feta and chickpeas in the fridge, the Brann's embarked on a classic #NOWASTE meal - Matt and I try our best to use everything we buy. So we ate this whole platter of food between two of us last night (I also had a glass of wine.... weeeee!) and because it's the ultimate protein and carbs combo I felt really good about myself after! Plus now I have some open wine to make a seafood marina tonight - the supermarket deli is having some gangbusters specials right now! Enjoy - thanks for reading!!! Ingredients:
Out of the Ord - Banana LeavesBanana leaf is a great way to cook your freshly caught Kimberley Barra on the BBQ and it's so easy. Simply, throw all your favourite ingredients for fish into a food processor (or don't and just mix) then spoon on top of the fish for easy wrapped parcels of flavour.
I used garlic, ginger, lime, lemongrass and chilli which was delicious - but you can use anything, like say.....
To make the parcels:
But wait - still not feeling confident about trying this at home? If you're after a legit recipe for a Thai based fish parcel with proper ingredients and instructions then have a look at this blog post I wrote in 2014 when living in Darwin. Out of the Ord - ChickpeasIt's been a big week, visiting Broome and stations along 80 mile beach, but I'm back in the saddle and getting my Ord Valley Cooking on! This week I made a Spiced Chicken and Chickpea Salad, adapted from the trusty Coles Magazine #shoutoutCurtisStone which my man-friend and I thought was delicious, especially paired with a Hunter Valley Chardy! If you're not a fan of the taste of smoked paprika, I would suggest halving the portions below, the flavour is quite strong. Ingredients:
Instructions: The night before:
Notes: * The weight of the chickpeas was measured after I had soaked them overnight. I soaked more than I needed as I also made falafels and hummus. ** I used extra ingredients I had in the fridge and encourage you to do the same #nowaste hence I added avocado and feta cheese. Adapted from Taste and the Coles magazine. Out of the Ord - Borlotti BeansThis bean salad is perfect as a side dish, can be made ahead of time for entertaining and changed to a cold salad as per notes. If you're interested in some other Borlotti Beans Recipes, check out my Pinterest boards. Borlotti Beans are grown in the Ord Valley by Daryl and Sue Smith of Ivanhoe Farms. Ingredients
Instructions The night before
Recipe adapted from Taste. Notes If making as a cold salad, swap the brown onion for a purple onion, the zucchini for a cucumber, the parsley for basil and then add some cherry tomato's and balsamic vinegar. A very yummy last minute meal of crocodile, salad & haloumi cheese.
Tonight I went and tried the TaeKwonDo in Darwin and by the time I got home 1 and 1/2 hours later the croc I got out of the freezer had defrosted!! Croc is a funny meat, it's chewier than you'd expect and it's very easy to overcook. I cook it for 8 minutes (one side) on super low then crank it to medium for the last 4 minutes (flipped), then another 2 minutes on the first side with some extra butter. I dunno - it fills a spot after a workout but croc is difficult to rave about. Make up your own mind... Shop local- Parap butcher otherwise for my American followers and get your Alligator on!!! .....Are you allowed to eat it? .....how do you cook it! with Banana Leaves from Rapid Creek Markets• 2 large garlic cloves, peeled
• 1 red chilli • 2 lemongrass stalks, outer layers discarded • 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, peeled • 1 tbsp soy sauce • 1 tbsp fish sauce • 1 tsp sugar • zest and juice of 1 lime • small bunch of coriander • 1 big fillet of red snapper, cut in pieces • Enough banana leaves • 3 bundles of bok choi • coconut milk • rice, lime wedges to serve serves 3
Hot Tip: I made 1 test fish parcel to check timings and heat on the BBQ, I tried baking the parcel and it took too long. So instead I placed them on the grill plate over 'protected flame' on high heat (maybe a smidge under two burners on full. You can tell what I mean in the photo gallery below. You can buy banana leaves for $2 at the Rapid Creek markets or I suppose any Asian grocer in other cities. Have fun - they smell delicious as they are cooking :) I did something random this evening... I was settling in for an easy night, making 'Save the Date' invites for the Big Day and all of a sudden... I got caught up in a new idea - Live BBQ!
So I cooked my dinner and photo blogged about it live on Twitter! I had a lot of fun which you can see by my Twitter feed @theBBQbaker Presenting..... My very first #LiveBBQ!!!!!!!! Comments appreciated! PS. the reason the salad is the first picture is because blogging and BBQ'ing is quick business.... To make a salad in between frying your steak - it's madness!!!! Hence, BBQ Baker 'hot tip' number ... something ....... is ...... make the salad first! Enjoy! xoxo T-Steak! A pretty simple recipe if I do say so myself.... Ingredients are: - chicken breast - pumpkin - baby spinach - quinoa (with Moroccan seasoning) - fetta - pistachio dukka - lemon - oil - avacodo Method: - roast pumpkin (1 hour, at 180 degrees celcuis in the BBQ), while you wait, call a family member and say g'day, after which you should be ready to scrape out the pumpkin and place in a mixing bowl - cook quinoa according to packet (takes 20 minutes, when ready, add to the pumpkin mix and stir through. Set aside. - while the dukka is on the go, mix 2 tbs of dukka with 1 tbs oil and 1 tbs lemon juice. - cut the chicken breasts in half horizontally so you have skinny breasts and coat in the dukka mix - grill chicken on BBQ for 10 minutes or until cooked through. - layer all the elements on the plate as thus .... Baby spinich, avacodo, quinoa mix, chicken, crumbled fetta. A super simple BBQ fish dish!
All you need is foil, saffron strands and a lime.... Plus some fresh fish! This tasty beast was caught by friends at channel point. Place sliced lime and fish into the foil and seal by crinkling the sides together. Cook at 160 degrees celcuis for 20 minutes in a tray with approx 1 cm of water in the bottom (to prevent from burning). Then open the foil pack, sprinkle the saffron on top and bake until ready. Approx 30 Minutes in total depending on the BBQ. Serve with a salad of 4 things only!!! More on my 4 things theory soon. Xox the BBQ baker! |
AuthorHi, I’m T. |